sailing ships

美 [ˈseɪlɪŋ ʃɪps]英 [ˈseɪlɪŋ ʃɪps]
  • n.(大型)帆船
  • sailing ship的复数
sailing shipssailing ships

sailing ships


  • 1
    N-COUNT (尤指运载乘客和货物的)大型帆船
    A sailing ship is a large ship with sails, especially of the kind that were used to carry passengers or cargo.

    American clippers were the ultimate sailing ships.


  1. The time of the beautiful , old sailing ships is coming to an end .


  2. One of the thoughts is that during the Middle Ages , when great sailing ships were setting off to discover new land , a Christmas box was placed by a priest on each ship .


  3. American clippers were the ultimate sailing ships .


  4. Sailing ships feature identification system is the hot spot of inland waterway management .


  5. The hydrological conditions in different waters and different time should be valued for the sailing ships .


  6. There are sailing ships that pass all our bodies in the grass .


  7. A metal stand that formerly held cannon balls on sailing ships .


  8. At present the system to the market , has been running various tps of sailing ships in the country .


  9. Study on the method of disinfection of daily-life garbage in interna-tionally sailing ships


  10. Navigational Activities of the World Sailing Ships in the Period of Zhenghe 's Maritime Expedition


  11. Gyln : I was trying to get some information on sailing ships for an article I 'm writing .


  12. Later in the campaign , there 's sailing ships and lighthouses and more .


  13. The Cutty Sark was one of the fastest sailing ships that has ever been built .


  14. This is the magic of great sailing ships era , an era destined to only belongs-Hawes .


  15. Then in1793 , an American named Robert Fulton became interested in an idea which would mean the end of sailing ships .


  16. Biddy turned her face suddenly towards mine , and looked far more attentively at me than she had looked at the sailing ships .


  17. The sailing ships were superseded by the steamships .


  18. I painted pictures of old sailing ships and as soon as I started believing in myself , other people started believing in me , too .


  19. the figure for steam or sailing ships supposedly lost with all hands , in the absence of any news , amounts to at least 200 !


  20. Punishment on the old sailing ships was so severe that it was possible for a sailor to be flogged to death for quite a small fault .


  21. One of the most famous sailing ships of the nineteenth century , the cutty sark , can still be seen at greenwich .


  22. If you are sad and describe yourself as " feeling blue ," you are using a phrase coined from a custom among many old deepwater sailing ships .


  23. A metal stand that formerly held cannon balls on sailing ships . He suspended a rope-ladder from the rail of the ship .


  24. TheLosAngelesClippers : During the mid-1800s , fast sailing ships known as clippers transported goods and passengers across the oceans .


  25. Following the rush for gold in the late19th century , the bay 's harbor attracted sailing ships from around the globe , and a great American city was born .


  26. Disturbed by the wave and wind , the sailing ships have six degrees of freedom motions . When the condition is bad , rolling has the largest effect of the six degrees of freedom motions .


  27. Half of the group was asked to contemplate their performance in the public speaking task , while the other half was asked to think about neutral images and activities , such as sailing ships or grocery store trips .


  28. Human life is like sailing on ships at sea at any time will be facing the wind wave , dangerous shoals reefs attacks .


  29. Low Speed Sailing of Ships and Edge-cutting Technology of Propellers


  30. Research and Application of Software System for GPS Sailing Device for Ships
